
Presence/Presents, or Lack of; 2017. 29 x 11 cm. scotch whiskey container, cigar box cedar sheets, plastic packaging from box of handkerchiefs, old clothes.

It's about people, stuff, or time, and calculating actual value by subtraction...what was once there, giving or not being given, missing or not missing you...
the negative space.

gifts from Charles - the cardboard container from a bottle of Aberlour scotch whiskey and cedar sheets from cigar boxes

It's also about the container - that which holds it all together, to be held.


  1. Brilliant. Love the insert at the bottom and the juxtaposition of materials.

  2. Thanks, wasn't sure if the concept outweighed the object's simplicity, but its all something i think about. Especially with Samuel leaving now and how his presence subtracts from our family centre. And then material stuff. After our house burned down you realize how many things you can live without. And also time, how stacks of memory simultaneously overlay the present moment, or how time flies really fast.

    1. Of course i mean, "how his lack* of presence subtracts from our family center"

  3. The insert is a cushion...to soften it all
